In the start, youtube was a modest site backed by a revolutionary idea. It didn't take long until youtube became a pop culture phenomenon. After all, it gave new directors a chance to get their feet off the ground, actors a chance to get known, and comedians an audience. However, for the sake of this lens I'm going to focus on the top 10 funniest videos on youtube.New! Add videos you think are funny at the bottom, view what others submitted, and vote on other videos! Let's see what you guys think are the top 15 funniest videos!
Number 10
Heroes -- Zeroes
This video is a great spoof of Heroes on NBC. If you aren't familiar with the series, check out a trailer to get the most out of this clip.
Heroes--Zeroes Trailer1 DON'T MISS EPISODES 1 thru 4!
Number 9
Easy one of the most adorable videos you'll ever watch. This is a huge hit on youtube - currently over 46 million views!
Number 8
Evolution of Dance
A hilarious depiction of the evolution of dance. Currently this is the video with the most views in all of youtube, and with good reason.
Number 7
Star Wars Paraphrase Theater
Another great spoof of a classic, Star Wars.
Number 6
New York Grand Central Freeze
A genius skit by ImprovEverywhere. If you like this video, you may also like some of their other harmless pranks.
Number 5
Charlie Bit Me
So cute, and so funny at the same time. This is an infamous video as well; and with good reason.
Number 4
She's Mine
A hilarious and underappreciated submission to Sketchies. Enjoy!
Number 3
Extreme Catapillar Breakdance
Hilarious and just so much fun to watch.-Warning: The S--- word is used twice very briefly in this video. If you turn down your volume, you won't lose much from this video.-
Number 2
Encore - Umbilical Brothers
Not exactly one of the funniest videos, but its just original, well executed, and creative that its bound to put a smile on your face.
Number 1
Hilarious Car Ad
The cream of the crop. The funniest of the funny. Enjoy.